Terms Of Service

I. Acceptance of terms

Thank you for using Odifa. These Terms of Service (the "Terms") are intended to make you aware of your legal rights and responsibilities with respect to your access to and use of the Odifa website at www.odifa.in (the "Site") and any related mobile or software applications ("Odifa Platform") including but not limited to delivery of information via the website whether existing now or in the future that link to the Terms (collectively, the "Services").
These Terms are effective for all existing and future Odifa customers, including but without limitation to users having access to 'restaurant business page' Grocery Shop, Home Services & Handy Man to manage their claimed business listings.

Please read these Terms carefully. By accessing or using the Odifa Platform, you are agreeing to these Terms and concluding a legally binding contract with Odifa (a product of Klantech Business Solutions Private Limited) and/or its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Odifa"). You may not use the Services if you do not accept the Terms or are unable to be bound by the Terms. Your use of the Odifa Platform is at your own risk, including the risk that you might be exposed to content that is objectionable, or otherwise inappropriate.

In order to use the Services, you must first agree to the Terms. You can accept the Terms by: <
• Clicking to accept or agree to the Terms, where it is made available to you by Odifa in the user interface for any particular Service; or
• Actually using the Services. In this case, you understand and agree that Odifa will treat your use of the Services as acceptance of the Terms from that point onwards.

II. Definitions

"Customer" or "You" or "Your" refers to you, as a customer of the Services. A customer is someone who accesses or uses the Services for the purpose of sharing, displaying, hosting, publishing, transacting, or uploading information or views or pictures and includes other persons jointly participating in using the Services including without limitation a user having access to 'restaurant/grocery shop/home services/handy man/meat & egg shops business page' to manage claimed business listings or otherwise.


"Content" will include (but is not limited to) reviews, images, photos, audio, video, location data, nearby places, and all other forms of information or data. "Your content" or "Customer Content" means content that you upload, share or transmit to, through or in connection with the Services, such as likes, ratings, reviews, images, photos, messages, chat communication, profile information, or any other materials that you publicly display or displayed in your account profile. "Odifa Content" means content that Odifa creates and make available in connection with the Services including, but not limited to, visual interfaces, interactive features, graphics, design, compilation, computer code, products, software, aggregate ratings, reports and other usage-related data in connection with activities associated with your account and all other elements and components of the Services excluding Your Content and Third Party Content. "Third Party Content" means content that comes from parties other than Odifa or its Customers and is available on the Services.

III. Eligibility to use the services

1. You hereby represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age or above and are fully able and competent to understand and agree the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms.
2. Compliance with Laws. You are in compliance with all laws and regulations in the country in which you live when you access and use the Services. You agree to use the Services only in compliance with these Terms and applicable law, and in a manner that does not violate our legal rights or those of any third party(ies).

IV. Changes to the terms

Odifa may vary or amend or change or update these Terms, from time to time entirely at its own discretion. You shall be responsible for checking these Terms from time to time and ensure continued compliance with these Terms. Your use of Odifa Platform after any such amendment or change in the Terms shall be deemed as your express acceptance to such amended/changed terms and you also agree to be bound by such changed/amended Terms.

V. Translation of the terms

Odifa may provide a translation of the English version of the Terms into other languages. You understand and agree that any translation of the Terms into other languages is only for your convenience and that the English version shall govern the terms of your relationship with Odifa. Furthermore, if there are any inconsistencies between the English version of the Terms and its translated version, the English version of the Terms shall prevail over others.

VI. Provision of the services being offered by Odifa

1. Odifa is constantly evolving in order to provide the best possible experience and information to its Customers. You acknowledge and agree that the form and nature of the Services which Odifa provides, may require affecting certain changes in it, therefore, Odifa reserves the right to suspend/cancel, or discontinue any or all products or services at any time without notice, make modifications and alterations in any or all of its contents, products and services contained on the site without any prior notice.
2. We, the software, or the software application store that makes the software available for download may include functionality to automatically check for updates or upgrades to the software. Unless your device, its settings, or computer software does not permit transmission or use of upgrades or updates, you agree that we, or the applicable software or software application store, may provide notice to you of the availability of such upgrades or updates and automatically push such upgrade or update to your device or computer from time-to-time. You may be required to install certain upgrades or updates to the software in order to continue to access or use the Services, or portions thereof (including upgrades or updates designed to correct issues with the Services). Any updates or upgrades provided to you by us under the Terms shall be considered part of the Services.
computer from time-to-time. You may be required to install certain upgrades or updates to the software in order to continue to access or use the Services, or portions thereof (including upgrades or updates designed to correct issues with the Services). Any updates or upgrades provided to you by us under the Terms shall be considered part of the Services.
4. You acknowledge and agree that while Odifa may not currently have set a fixed upper limit on the number of transmissions you may send or receive through the Services, Odifa may set such fixed upper limits at any time, at Odifa's discretion.
5. In our effort to continuously improve the Odifa Platform and Services, we undertake research and conduct experiments from time to time on various aspects of the Services and offerings, including our apps, websites, user interface and promotional campaigns. As a result of which, some Customers may experience features differently than others at any given time. This is for making the Odifa Platform better, more convenient and easy to use, improving Customer experience, enhancing the safety and security of our services and offerings and developing new services and features.
6. By using Odifa's Services you agree to the following disclaimers
o The Content on these Services is for informational purposes only. Odifa disclaims any liability for any information that may have become outdated since the last time the particular piece of information was updated. Odifa reserves the right to make changes and corrections to any part of the Content on these Services at any time without prior notice. Odifa does not guarantee the quality of the Goods, the prices listed in menus or the availability of all menu items at any Restaurant/Merchant. Unless stated otherwise, all pictures and information contained on these Services are believed to be owned by or licensed to Odifa. Please email a takedown request (by using the "Contact Us" link on the home page) to the webmaster if you are the copyright owner of any Content on these Services and you think the use of the above material violates Your copyright in any way. Please indicate the exact URL of the webpage in your request. All images shown here have been digitized by Odifa. No other party is authorized to reproduce or republish these digital versions in any format whatsoever without the prior written permission of Odifa.
o Any certification, licenses or permits ("Certification") or information in regard to such Certification that may be displayed on the Restaurant's, Grocery Shop, Home Services, Handyman, Meat & Egg listing page on the Odifa Platform is for informational purposes only. Such Certification is displayed by Odifa on an 'as available' basis that is provided to Odifa by the Restaurant partner(s)/Merchant(s). Odifa does not make any warranties about the validity, authenticity, reliability and accuracy of such Certification or any information displayed in this regard. Any reliance by a Customer upon the Certification or information thereto shall be strictly at such Customer's own risk and Odifa in no manner shall assume any liability whatsoever for any losses or damages in connection with the use of this information or for any inaccuracy, invalidity or discrepancy in the Certification or non-compliance of any applicable local laws or regulations by the Restaurant partner/Merchant.
7. Odifa reserves the right to charge a subscription and/or membership and/or a convenience fee from a Customer, by giving reasonable prior notice, in respect of any product, service or any other aspect of the Odifa Platform anytime in future.
8. Odifa may from time to time introduce referral and/or incentive based programs for its Customers (Program). These Program(s) may be governed by their respective terms and conditions. By participating in the Program, Customers are bound by the Program terms and conditions as well as the Odifa Platform terms. Further, Odifa reserves the right to terminate / suspend the Customer's account and/or credits / points earned and/or participation of the Customer in the Program if Odifa determines in its sole discretion that the Customer has violated the rules of the Program and/or has been involved in activities that are in contravention of the Program terms and/or Odifa Platform terms or has engaged in activities which are fraudulent / unlawful in nature. Furthermore, Odifa reserves the right to modify, cancel and discontinue its Program without notice to the Customer.